Today in class we lent about dissolving and resolving sugar and seeing if there is a time difference if you use different types of methods to dissolve it. We needed a beaker, spatula warm/cold water, and a timer. (just letting you know you use a spatula from a science lab)
We did five activities resolving in different methods of dissolving our sugar with different instructions in each method. We had to time our findings in each different method we used. After doing that we had to write down our findings on the board.
Activity one we added cold water into our beaker and filled it up about 50ML on the first line because the second 50ML is how much air in that area. After that, we added sugar to our spatula and then we had to press the time button once we added the sugar into the beaker and stirred it well waiting for it to dissolve.
The average score for the whole classroom was 54 seconds. I think it took this long to dissolve because of the mixing speed up the process.
Next up was actively two this time we added 50ML of hot water in the beaker on the first line then we scooped out the same amount of sugar from our cup and then added it into the beaker. Like last time we made sure to hit the timer when the sugar was in the water then stopped it when our sugar was fully resolved. For activity two we had to make sure to stir out beaker.
The average score for activity two was 29 seconds. I noticed that this took faster than activity one I think this is because when particles are in hot places they shrink and move faster in the hot places and by mixing our mixture it made the process faster so I think this result was an average score.
In activity three we added 50ML of hot water into our beaker and added then scooped the same amount of sugar into our spatula. Then we added the sugar into the water the press the timer when the sugar was submerged into the water and hit the timer. This time we DID NOT use the spatula to mix our sugar.
Our score for method three was 76 seconds I think this is a reasonable score because this time we did not stir our mixture therefore the sugar just sank to the bottom causing it to dissolve slower. But since we had hot water it still moved around faster.
For our last acctivety, acctivety four we added 50ML