Today I made a reindeer by cutting out shapes and putting them together after that i put some eyes on my cuddly animal his name is
name... Roodoof
born... 2017
age... 1 yer old
work... with santa
every Christmas he now help Santa by flying the slay
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, 14 December 2017
Monday, 27 November 2017
The story of Hinemoa and Tutanekai
Today we have read the story about Hinemoa and Tutankhamen it was a story about love. It was a very good story but now i got some questions.
1 Hinemoa was it scary in the ocean? Second question why did you go Hinemoa ? third why did your dad mad?
link to story Click Here.
To me I think this is a love story it makes me think about romeo and Juliet but a better ending. in this story I no that love win every think. The story tell us how the parents digress about there relation ship but at the end the parents she how happy and agree. I love this story because it is on happy ending.
Tell me what you think?
Friday, 24 November 2017
the monster and kitten
Hi guys welcome to my post today you are about to read my blog post. it took me all week but it was worth it. I am witting about a troll and a kitten I can tell you no more the only way you can find out is by reading it hope you engory. 😀
Once upon never told story. There lived a long nailed troll and he lived up to his name. One day he needed a secret ingredient for his retreat he needed a golden chicken egg . So the troll went on with his journey he leaped over cities and towns on the way he sang I am gonna make the yummies bestest soup inland do do do do do! When he got there he met the evil cat Catasatrophy Cat . All at once the troll got scared Catasatrophy Cat cat was sleeping but if he woke up the cat it would not be happy. The troll tip toed along the wooden floor. Each time he took the tiniest step his heart would race.
Then all of a sudden he stepped on a toy and all he could hear was
Then Catasatrophy Cat’s eye opened wide. The troll had heard stories about this cat and he was really scared. But the cat was not mean or evil the cat was really really nice the cat gave the golden egg to the troll for free. The cat was the best cat in the world. Now they are still good friends. They lived happily ever after .
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
what I do every Tuesday#coding

Thursday, 19 October 2017
Te Manu Tukutuku
There readers of my blog today I had mad a poem for my new school. I had to describe what it is like to be here. First I had to think what I was going to do. next I had to write my poem it had to have what it looked like what it smelt like and what I felt like in the new school. I hope you enjoy my whiting bye
Te Manu Tukutuku Poem
When I am in Te Manu Tukutuku I can see a big building also i can see blue orange and green.
When I am in Te Manu Tukutuku I can smell the fresh smell of new furniture inside our School as if they were flowers.
When I am in Te Manu Tukutuku I can hear dropping basket balls on the ground and people gossiping about our new School.
When I am in Te Manu Tukutuku.
I feel proud and astonished that I can be here.
By Tennessee
Thursday, 28 September 2017
day 7 task 2
imagine... After our last journey we come across to Rotorua then we hop in a hot pool to relax. the water comes up from the ground and keep you warm.
Our task was to make a blog post of our self doing something relaxing. here is my work for today
hope you enjoy. What do you do to make you relaxed?
reading makes me relaxed because you get so into the book it makes you want to read more.
Our task was to make a blog post of our self doing something relaxing. here is my work for today
hope you enjoy. What do you do to make you relaxed?
reading makes me relaxed because you get so into the book it makes you want to read more.
task 1 day 7
we are in Tapo and i notices of rubbish on the ground we no it is good to keep New Zealand green. We had to come up with 3 reasons to keep new Zealand green and clean is my today. I found hard today was to make my picture
what would you do if you see rubbish on the ground?
A pick it up and put it in the bin
B avoid it and walk away
C laugh and walk away
please tell me what you will do in the comments
what would you do if you see rubbish on the ground?
A pick it up and put it in the bin
B avoid it and walk away
C laugh and walk away
please tell me what you will do in the comments
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
when I am on my way to new Zealand poem
hi guys and woman welcome to my blog I hope you will truly enjoy my blog post for today. Our task was to tell people what it would be like to be the first waka to Shag Point, New Zealand we had to write it as a poem I hope you enjoy my hard work.
When i am on my to New zealand what can I see? I see a 3.6 m (12 feet tall
Bird It was as big as a giant I call it the big foot tall bird that can't fly.
When I am on my way to New Zealand what can i see ? the cold blue blue water and a gigantic blue whale.
When I am on New zealand what can I see? I see green Green grass as green as a yucky pickle.
When I am in New Zealand I see ? A huge hungry eagle not coming after me.
When I am in New Zealand what can i see ? Bushes and trees right above me.
When I am in New Zealand I can hear? The sound of crickets chirping in near me.
When I am in New Zealand I can feel? The grass between my toes.
When I am in New Zealand I can smell? The smell of spring by me.
When I am in New zealand I feel happy but frightened and excited at the same time.
New Zealand,
poem writing reading
Friday, 22 September 2017
The trapped beach whales day 4
we are learning about facts about new Zealand. For today's activity we went to the beach and found out something really sad.
some beach whales heaved washed up at the beach.
First I read the article next I made a google drawings and write my information. Down next
added my picture from the website Click here to get to the site and then I screenshot the
work to so you guys hope you enjoy it.
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
day 3... Huge Moa foot print
Today we made a huge Moa foot it was bigger then my face for out work. Have you ever spotted a Moa foot? To make this you will need
1. paper
2. scissors
3. coloring pencil
4. pencil
First you need to get a paper and draw a Moa foot.
Next you color it in
after you cut it out
hope you enjoy
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Day 2
I am learning about New Zealand pacifically about Karekare beach
we have now set sail to Karekare beach and we are learning some
good facts about Karekare beach so come with us and learn about Karekare beach
in my slide you will find some cool facts about Karekare beach what I found hard about
getting this done was to do this in a limited amount of time. I hope you really enjoy this post
I enjoyed doing this because I got to learn impotent things
Monday, 18 September 2017
Week 9 Term 3 2017 Weekly Activities
Walt I am learning about New Zealand pacifically about Auckland
It is almost the end of the term yay but before school is over come on a very fun journey with me and find out new thin
Today I are starting a new adventure with my learning. Before I get school done I got
a mission to do. We have to do a thing called Week 9 Term 3 2017 Weekly Activities
and our first task is to Go to the Tourism New Zealand website and learn about facts
about New Zealand people. I did the arrival of Maori
Did you know?
The first explorer in New Zealand was called Kupe. he used the stars and ocean to navigate
New Zealand.
It is almost the end of the term yay but before school is over come on a very fun journey with me and find out new thin
Today I are starting a new adventure with my learning. Before I get school done I got
a mission to do. We have to do a thing called Week 9 Term 3 2017 Weekly Activities
and our first task is to Go to the Tourism New Zealand website and learn about facts
about New Zealand people. I did the arrival of Maori
Did you know?
The first explorer in New Zealand was called Kupe. he used the stars and ocean to navigate
New Zealand.
Auckland art Gallery is the most attention visual arts experience
The kiwi
The has a big huge long beck and it is very lovely
but it can not fly.
Friday, 15 September 2017
you gonna need a bigger boat
You gonna need a bigger boat
I was passing a strange island , suddenly from a distance I can see a huge type of animal.
When this type of animal got closer I noticed what it was and It was not nice.
It was a dinosaur and to him I was a tiny walking talking steak in a little boat.
I looked at my sister and she said you are gonna need a bigger boat. The dinosaur's mouth had sharp teeth his teeth were as big as
a pyramid.
And in one bite I was gone.
Thursday, 14 September 2017
my colander art
Today I have finished my colander art. I am supper proud of it first I made my squares. Next I
made my buildings and clouds. Now it was time to paint I painted my sky. First next I painted my buildings in a different color or sades in each building. I hope you enjoy this bye 😃
made my buildings and clouds. Now it was time to paint I painted my sky. First next I painted my buildings in a different color or sades in each building. I hope you enjoy this bye 😃
Thursday, 7 September 2017
logo design
WALT to make a logo design we have been leaning about logos
blurb today i completed my logo design this represent my love of family and art
I use google drawing first i planed it then i made my work come alive hope you enjoy.
blurb today i completed my logo design this represent my love of family and art
I use google drawing first i planed it then i made my work come alive hope you enjoy.
Friday, 25 August 2017
update of would you eat bugs?
would you ever dear to eat bugs?
this week my reading group has made a poster to convulse people all around the world to eat bugs!
here are some cool facts that will make you wanna eat bugs. So tell if this poster will convince you to
eat bugs?
this week my reading group has made a poster to convulse people all around the world to eat bugs!
here are some cool facts that will make you wanna eat bugs. So tell if this poster will convince you to
eat bugs?
would you ever dear to eat bugs?
would you ever dear to eat bugs?
this week my reading group has made a poster to convulse people all around the world to eat bugs!
here are some cool facts that will make you wanna eat bugs. So tell if this poster will convince you to
eat bugs? also can you tell me how I could make my poster better
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
showing Manakitanga
Helping A New Girl
My animation is about me helping a new girl around the school. I showed a girl around the school, showed her where the playground is. Also where our classroom is and where we put our bags.
I made an animation about helping a new girl and showing her manaakitanga.
I made all the pictures myself.
By Tennessee
Thursday, 17 August 2017
Make their day shop
For Digi Awards a group set up a make there day shop. I could buy an ice block and instead of paying with money I paid a kind of ack to make someones day I chose say good morning to someone to pay for my ice block.
digi awards,
good morning Jed,
make their day shop
Friday, 11 August 2017
119 + 73 using addition
Walt I am learning to solve addition questions by changing one number into
a tidy number. ( answers near less then 100) I really hope you enjoy my video
it took some time but it was worth it. This question is 119+73
Monday, 31 July 2017
my Holiday
When - The holiday
Who - me and Chimera
Where - my cousins house
Why - she needed company
Sequence of Events
First... we played with her ness Talia
Next... Raven done my makeup
Then... Then we played online games
Finally... I went flying into the wall
General Statement
I loved my weekend because it made me laugh
In my newfangled holiday I went to stay and my beast cousins house for a gigantic sleepover. My cousins names are Chimera , Raven and Mikayla but Mikayla was not here. I stayed over because she needed company. First we played with her adorable cute nice ness Talia we sang the rain song. Next Raven did my makeup she done my eye and for some reason she made a tiny heart on my cheek. I did not like the feeling of makeup on my face because it feels tingly and itchy But I did like the tiny heart on my cheek. Then we played online games my favorite game was is a amazing game to play. Then it came to my favorite part of the day we were play fighting then next minute I went flying backwards towards the wall then I hit my head and then fell onto the ground for some reason I didn't cry but laughed. I felt like a bird flying into a huge glass window . I loved my holiday because it made me giggle and smile like
Happy happy emoji.
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
My dark weather art
This term we have been learning about weather. In art I created a stormy night picture. First I made the background. I used black, blue, dark blue, and light blue dye. Next I had to do the buildings and we used black paper to make a dark shadow. Second I made buildings and one house out of the paper. Then we cut it out. I felt proud! The next I stuck my buildings on to the paper. Now it was time to do the clouds and lightning. I did the clouds first. We had to dab the brush to make a storm effect. Then I did the lightning using zig sags because lightning is not straight. We did the lightning in white paint. I really enjoyed my art because of the effect. By Tennessee
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Rainy Day Art
WALT use crayon and dye to show movement and ripples in a weather feature.
First I used a white crayon to draw the rain. Next I drew the rainbow. To make it pop out I colored around the outside white.
After that I dyed the clouds blue and black. Before you dye it you have to make sure you colored it in hard with no white bits. To make this you only need a white crayons and dye and maybe add a rainbow.
First I used a white crayon to draw the rain. Next I drew the rainbow. To make it pop out I colored around the outside white.
After that I dyed the clouds blue and black. Before you dye it you have to make sure you colored it in hard with no white bits. To make this you only need a white crayons and dye and maybe add a rainbow.
my penguin art
Walt: use paint to create the effect of feathers.
First I drew the pictures of the penguin. Second I had to do the black paint the black paint was the feathers , next I did the orange for the beck and more feathers. After I done the yellow for the beck and feathers.Then I put gray around his arms and head. And lastly I did the green eye. I done this because we have been learning about Antarctica.
First I drew the pictures of the penguin. Second I had to do the black paint the black paint was the feathers , next I did the orange for the beck and more feathers. After I done the yellow for the beck and feathers.Then I put gray around his arms and head. And lastly I did the green eye. I done this because we have been learning about Antarctica.
Tuesday, 20 June 2017
In maths every Monday we are learning reflection our tack was to make a google drawing
what show what it is I know this was fun and I really want to do this again
Friday, 16 June 2017
My Water cycle
The last few weeks we have been learning about weather and climate in Antarctica. I wanted to learn about the fresh water and why it never rains because its a desert. I really enjoyed working on the climate.
Thursday, 15 June 2017
what is collaboration? ... collaboration is working as a team to get a task done.
what douse collaboration feel like? ... helping each other when they are finding it hard to couplet the tack.
what douse collaboration sound like?... eking to each other. talking to each other about the topic that you
are meant to.
remember what collabouraton is. remember what collaboration sound like. remember what collaboration feel like. remember what collaboration look likes
what douse collaboration feel like? ... helping each other when they are finding it hard to couplet the tack.
what douse collaboration sound like?... eking to each other. talking to each other about the topic that you
are meant to.
remember what collabouraton is. remember what collaboration sound like. remember what collaboration feel like. remember what collaboration look likes
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
That was summer poam
Anzac day
This week The seiner block and I learnt About Anzac day And why we reamer The ones who risk There lives so we can have freedom some even lost There lives for us.
We read a story's about Anzac day and world war one. There were 1 book that fascinated me is
one book called the red poppy. there were some song that i really enjoyed We had a special visitor
it was coneys Nan she shooed us some of her grate grate uncles ww1 badges but we code not touch them
because there were really special
we watch a song that coneys Nan sedge. we watch a spectacle song called sons of Gallipoli.
We read a story's about Anzac day and world war one. There were 1 book that fascinated me is
one book called the red poppy. there were some song that i really enjoyed We had a special visitor
it was coneys Nan she shooed us some of her grate grate uncles ww1 badges but we code not touch them
because there were really special
we watch a song that coneys Nan sedge. we watch a spectacle song called sons of Gallipoli.
Hello guys this is my reading work about nits we made post. I work really hard on this.
we all do not like Nites well here is some things what they don't like and a monkey has them to
poor monkey.
we all do not like Nites well here is some things what they don't like and a monkey has them to
poor monkey.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
With the half chicle you only got one line that goes down
With a circle you can have 3 or more lines going
Side ways a line can go straight down
With a frame you can have 3 or more lines going
Side ways a line can go straight down
With the triangle it is the same as the half circle
You need to put a line straight down
Tuesday, 6 June 2017
Antarctica whether
In Literacy I am learning about Antarctica. I went to the Antarctic center for a trip. In Literacy I researched all about Antarctica I wrote a description about Antarctica I used the correct structure of a description It has a Invigoration characteristics Evaluation I used a hook? adjective?
- Freezing cold
- Field with different animals
- White as a piece of A3 paper
- Filed with snow
- It is an continent
- Layers of snow and ice
- Dark
When you think about Antarctica you think of a big cold snowy place but we don't
Really look into it as much do we? I done some research and found out some interesting
Things like… in Vostoks on Friday the the temp was -52 and the rain was 59%
Cool right haha get it cool? And Antarctica is the coldest place on earth and I didn't
even no that. Something that really caught my eye was that Antarctica wasn't just
ice... Antarctica yous to be a huge piece of beautiful land. And did you know that.
All the ice in Antarctica holds most of the world's population of freshwater.
Maybe you're thinking were in the world is the south pole? Well the south pole is in Antarctica.
Yess now I know where Santa lives. When I found this fact I was really worried for the
people who live there the fact is that in the winter it is pitch black all the season.
Out of 7 continent Antarctica is one. Not long ago I went to a special place called
the Antarctic center. We went in a room that has the same weather as Antarctica
It was summer but it was really really really really cold that mean in the winter it is
Very very very really cold. How is snow made? snow is made by freezing rain.
I really enjoyed my writing because I got to learn different things and I do not
Want to go to Antarctica in the future because it will be to cold.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
hello guys and girls this is my insect witting
this is my plane for a leaf insect

and this is my witting for my leaf insect
this is my plane for a leaf insect

and this is my witting for my leaf insect
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
my Aderings
We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.
We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online. :D
Monday, 22 May 2017
Thursday, 4 May 2017
Exploring blogs
We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.
We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online. :D
Friday, 3 March 2017
I really hope you will enjoy my never poem it may make u smile or laugh but that,s OK
because it it kind of silly. it has tacos tomato TV and boats and show much more. My
favorite sentience is... i will never eat tacos on a Tuesday with tomatoes and turkey in it.
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