I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Sunday, 15 September 2019
Math's DLO
This week in math our class had to make an DLO about our work we had gotten assigned this week out math's group hawk has been learning about patterns I surely hope you do enjoy my work and understand and learn about patterns from my blog post please enjoy my hard work goodbye. 😁
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
The is week we have been learning about drama we have to do a blog post about how laughing helps us in the world we live in so here is what I have to say my own option about this task in hand
Laughthter can help with your confidence.
It is very fun.
Shows your personality.
Laughthter makes you really happy.
Laughter shows that you are alive.
Next I need to show you a funny video then explain why it is funny so.
This episode makes me laugh because Mr beans girlfriend is looking at a post with a ring on it in the store then when it is time to open the presents she got her present it looked like rapping paper covering a square card bored she see end confused but she ended up opening it to find the poster she was looking at at the store that made her cry Mr bean came up to her to reveal a a bot that would normally hold a ring she got exsited but when she opens the box it had a hook to hold her poster up this made me laugh 😂
Friday, 2 August 2019
sports weekly
This week in our P.E Hurumanu we have been…
(What) This week in hurumanu we have been focusing on teamwork to help (Where) improve our team-up we did one warm-up game and two games. For
(Why) the warm-up we needed to do laps this was a team activity that included
Three teammates my teammates where Jolly-Rose and Liyah. Our goal
Was to do 100 laps sadly we did not achieve this goal but we could push
Ourself’s more next time. As we ran these laps we decided to have Liyah
And jolly rose run together well I calculated the laps then we had Jolly- rose and I run together as Liyah calculated the laps and then Leyah and I run well Jolly- rose calculated the laps. We decided to use this method because it would be easier and faster to get to 100. During this warm-up, I know we use teamwork when we supported each other and had two people running laps at the same time well the other teammate calculated our score.
S - Statement
E - Explanation
E - Example
E - Example
Our first activity was…. For this activity, I rated my self as a … Our first activity was hockey I rated myself a four because I was having fun supporting my teammates putting the hockey sticks away nicely and giving it my all.
To achieve a level … we have to show that we can consistently … Listening and behaving well being a team player.
Monday, 29 July 2019
Birthday Day
This week we still have been learning about music and we have decided as two-class room's to each make a original song of our own. I decided to make a song about a birthday because I had a birthday coming up to me I think I have done a great job and I tried my best better than my best and I think it was worth all my work now that I am posting this song on my blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. I challenge you to make an original song off your own and post it on your blog so I can see your great work. Goodbye have a great day 😊
hey hey hey it's your birthday day
If your hungry eat some cake
cake cake cake cake cake cake
Cake cake cake cake cake
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you
Hey hey hey
it's still your birthday day
If you're bored just dance
until your old and grey
Time to blow out your candles
candles candles time
blow out your candles
make a wish.
hey hey hey it's your birthday day
If your hungry eat some cake
cake cake cake cake cake cake
Cake cake cake cake cake
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you
Hey hey hey
it's still your birthday day
If you're bored just dance
until your old and grey
Time to blow out your candles
candles candles time
blow out your candles
make a wish.
Monday, 22 July 2019
This is my work I have been working on it for the past few weeks I have put a lot of hard work into it
and I hope you enjoy. This is about the history of music and I found it interesting because I found heps of song that I know in it and I learned new songs too. it starts of at 1960,s and it finishes at 1998 I also learnt the history of music which I loved Hope you enjoy I am tunning out now bye -Tennessee
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Difference between Tamasi,s fight and the battle in the park
This week we had to do a blog post of what is the Difference between Tamasi,s fight and the battle in the park. What is visualization? To me, visualization means picturing something or someone in your head to help you understand more about them or it and getting a picture in your head to know what someone or something looks like.
This is my work
1. Tamasi,s fight in the park was physical and the fight in the park was not a fight but a dance battle.
2. Tamasi's fight is not fun when the battle in the park is fun.
3. They go to different schools.
Picture of my work.
This is my work
1. Tamasi,s fight in the park was physical and the fight in the park was not a fight but a dance battle.
2. Tamasi's fight is not fun when the battle in the park is fun.
3. They go to different schools.
Picture of my work.
Monday, 1 July 2019
the Sinai war
What is visualization? To me, visualization means picturing something or someone in your head to help you understand more about them or it and getting a picture in your head to know what someone or something looks like.
This week for reading we read a book I would tell you what the book is called but...
I forgot anyways we had to visualize what we would hear see and smell we could not draw pictures or anything it had to be all words. a part of the story was about a boy who's papa went to the Sinai war and we had to write what the boy's papa would have seen heard and smell but instead of just putting in does three questions I decided to put in one more question what I would feel emotion wise and physical wise because I felt I couldn't miss that question because it is very impotent.
This is my work. Hope you find it interesting to read and imagine.
Papa Ari could see endless path's covered in yellow dust mountains. He can see speaks of sand travailing with the air and wind and heaps of tall weird rocks that look like shining gold glaciers. Papa Ari could see the bright yellow sun that gave him his sun burns. Sometimes Papa Ari could see hiss family waving at him and a boat sitting on the ocean soon he realized that not real. Papa Ari did not see grey rain clouds knor did he see on rain drop fall from the sky. Soon papa Ari could see men making wills to their family just in case they don't return home but instead get a very sad soldier standing at the door. Papa Ari could see to different teams getting ready for the battle of their lives or should we say for their lives. Papa Ari could now see bombs getting thrown at people and he could see huge army trucks pointing at the other side he could see bullets from gun's hitting people. Papa Ari could see the blood from the men who have fallen. Tears from the men who's friends have lost their lives on the battle field. Tears from the soldiers who are scared. Papa Ari has first handed witnessed tragedy.
Papa Ari would often hear peace and quiet and actionly a eagle yelling in the sky and soldiers singing songs. Out of the dead silence bombs will go off he could hear gun shoots being fired away and the thud off the men falling on ground he could hear sobbing from the men. Papa Ari could hear the whistling from the whistling from the wind this would constantly repeat for hour's and hour's and hour's then papa Ari could hear nothing but silence a sad lonely dreadful silence.
Papa Ari will often smell the blood from the men.Rust from the gun's.
Papa Ari would feel pride but that will soon vanish. Papa Ari would feel pride because he was fighting for the one's he loved and his country. Papa Ari would feel sand all over his body making himself really itchy. A changed happened as soon as hit the battle field when gun's started firing. Papa Ari felt the warm sun on his face .
When the guns started firing Papa Ari felt angry because he had killed so many innocent lives the reason why just cause they choose to fight for their country. Then he felt sad because his friend had passed away and he felt scared for his own life. It was a endless circle of terror. When the war was over Papa Ari could not feel pride because you cant take pride in killing someone.
Monday, 24 June 2019
Fight In The Park!!!
What is visualization? To me, visualization means picturing something or someone in your head to help you understand more about them or it and getting a picture in your head to know what someone or something looks like.
This week had given another task similar to the teacher blog post we did about a week ago but this time our task was bigger and better. Our teacher told us a story about a kid getting in a fight between him and another student from a different school and then we had had to draw a picture of what we would think the fight would have looked like also we had to write what we would see hear and smell.
In my writing, I wrote I would hear yelling kids debating which school would win and I also hear the sound of at least two fists slamming against something. I would smell the muddy grass and the winter air that gives me a cold. I would see a park with kids surrounding two boys from a different school the kids have their phones out recording the boys from the different school who seem to be fighting I could see the grey dark clouds and lighting.
This is what I would see...
In my writing, I wrote I would hear yelling kids debating which school would win and I also hear the sound of at least two fists slamming against something. I would smell the muddy grass and the winter air that gives me a cold. I would see a park with kids surrounding two boys from a different school the kids have their phones out recording the boys from the different school who seem to be fighting I could see the grey dark clouds and lighting.
This is what I would see...
Thursday, 20 June 2019
Kiwi news Times
This week we have been learning about famous NZ bands and singers I decided to make a video about a band called six60 and a signer called Lorde but but before I did that I wrote down the interesting information On paper the questions on the paper included... what is your famous song from the artist or band the group member of the singer and interesting facts we had to reach about this by reaching I learned so much about all of these NZ celebrities and I would like to share my learning with you hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, 18 June 2019
Fun With Mathletics 😄👍
What is so special about Mathletics
The reason why Mathletics is so special because mathletics is a fun learning website that helps you with all sorts of math questions and problems you can create characters and upgrade there clothing and earn mathletics coins.
This week we have been learning about mathletics it has been really fun and I have learned about multiplying. I learned how to work out all sorts of different math problems from mathletics and this website has taught me so much and today I would like to show you my work and show you how mathematics can help you too
The reason why Mathletics is so special because mathletics is a fun learning website that helps you with all sorts of math questions and problems you can create characters and upgrade there clothing and earn mathletics coins.
This week we have been learning about mathletics it has been really fun and I have learned about multiplying. I learned how to work out all sorts of different math problems from mathletics and this website has taught me so much and today I would like to show you my work and show you how mathematics can help you too
Friday, 14 June 2019
Term 2 week 7 Reading task- visualization
This week Mr. Mitchell gave us a task. We needed to visualize a teacher from a book just by listening to the story then we needed to draw her.
What is visualization? To me, visualization means picturing something or someone in your head to help you understand more about them or it and getting a picture in your head to know what someone or something looks like.
When it was time to do the task the teacher described the teacher's personality and what she likes and what she looks like by reading the story. From what The teacher read I had learned that she had a bubbly personality and was look up to by the kids in the school she played the violin and loved old fashion songs she also wore casual clothes with leather boots. She had ring earrings and liked painting and she had out of control hair caused by her constantly playing with her hair or the wind blowing it out of control. Her desk was cluttered with stuff and she smiled so often she had wrinkles around her mouth. She loved reading and drinking hot coffee.
After listening to the story I knew exactly how to draw the teacher. For her, out of control hair, I made it fuzzy and tied up in a bun I also made her hair pink to show her original and bubbly personality. For her top and paths, I made her wear a spotty T-shirt and jeans and suspenders. I made her wear gold hooped earrings and leather black boot's I made her hold a cup of hot coffee and a book and I drew her with her smile and her wrinkles from her smiling so much. Now that I am done I have taken a picture of my artwork of the teacher I hope you guys enjoy it.
What is visualization? To me, visualization means picturing something or someone in your head to help you understand more about them or it and getting a picture in your head to know what someone or something looks like.
When it was time to do the task the teacher described the teacher's personality and what she likes and what she looks like by reading the story. From what The teacher read I had learned that she had a bubbly personality and was look up to by the kids in the school she played the violin and loved old fashion songs she also wore casual clothes with leather boots. She had ring earrings and liked painting and she had out of control hair caused by her constantly playing with her hair or the wind blowing it out of control. Her desk was cluttered with stuff and she smiled so often she had wrinkles around her mouth. She loved reading and drinking hot coffee.
After listening to the story I knew exactly how to draw the teacher. For her, out of control hair, I made it fuzzy and tied up in a bun I also made her hair pink to show her original and bubbly personality. For her top and paths, I made her wear a spotty T-shirt and jeans and suspenders. I made her wear gold hooped earrings and leather black boot's I made her hold a cup of hot coffee and a book and I drew her with her smile and her wrinkles from her smiling so much. Now that I am done I have taken a picture of my artwork of the teacher I hope you guys enjoy it.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
week 2 and 2 beats and beyond
Day 1
This week we have been learning about music. The first day we had to complete a set of questions the best we could and this showed how much we already know and how much we didn't know about music. After doing this we had to complete another set of questions one of which asked what we would like to learn in music I answered by saying that I would like to learn about the history of music and I would love to learn how to play a piano and violin. Then Ms. Burtch showed us a video's which included a video of the song called poi-e we also watched ed sharen looping sounds to make one of his famous songs known as shape of you one of my favorite videos we watched was a whole school doing the cup song it was pretty great. After we watched another video by a band called S.T.O.M.P where they made a video using junk around a junkyard.
Day 2
Today it was day two of learning about the music first Mr. Mitchell showed us four different guitars one was an electric guitar with whammy bar the whammy bar made changed the tension on the guitar.
The second guitar was a silver string guitar it was big and round it was the color of cut wood. The third guitar was a medium size this guitar was called a neon guitar the color of it was bright pink and it was out of tune. The last guitar was called a backpack guitar it was very very small and portable so you could take it on a plane. This guitar did not look like the others it was a triangle and it had a very small sound hole in the middle of it. After learning about the guitar we had to make a front cover saying beats and beyond. Beats and beyond was the title of our hurumanu. after making my front cover I needed to write a glossary about all the other things we learned about after doing this I just needed to complete my blog post and now I am done it so I say Goodbye.
Picture of my front cover
electric guitar

neon string guitar

backpack guitar

silver string guitar
This week we have been learning about music. The first day we had to complete a set of questions the best we could and this showed how much we already know and how much we didn't know about music. After doing this we had to complete another set of questions one of which asked what we would like to learn in music I answered by saying that I would like to learn about the history of music and I would love to learn how to play a piano and violin. Then Ms. Burtch showed us a video's which included a video of the song called poi-e we also watched ed sharen looping sounds to make one of his famous songs known as shape of you one of my favorite videos we watched was a whole school doing the cup song it was pretty great. After we watched another video by a band called S.T.O.M.P where they made a video using junk around a junkyard.
Day 2
Today it was day two of learning about the music first Mr. Mitchell showed us four different guitars one was an electric guitar with whammy bar the whammy bar made changed the tension on the guitar.
The second guitar was a silver string guitar it was big and round it was the color of cut wood. The third guitar was a medium size this guitar was called a neon guitar the color of it was bright pink and it was out of tune. The last guitar was called a backpack guitar it was very very small and portable so you could take it on a plane. This guitar did not look like the others it was a triangle and it had a very small sound hole in the middle of it. After learning about the guitar we had to make a front cover saying beats and beyond. Beats and beyond was the title of our hurumanu. after making my front cover I needed to write a glossary about all the other things we learned about after doing this I just needed to complete my blog post and now I am done it so I say Goodbye.
Picture of my front cover
electric guitar

neon string guitar

backpack guitar

silver string guitar
Friday, 12 April 2019
Today we done science and we had to categorize foods on what they look like their chemistry name and weather they where a solid liquid or gas first I decided to do the original names of the foods and next i choose to do the chemistry name next. too my surprise they were all weird but unique names
I don't really get why there is a science name for all of these food and liquids I cant you call them by there original it would be so much easier for scientist I mean way easier.
I think this is a little bit weird but also genius because it gives more information about it and it helps me understand the unique calculates and simulates in the liquid and fruit.
Chemistry name
Solid liquid gas
Lemon Juice
Citrus × limon
| |
sodium chloride
| |
Monosaccharides and more
| |
dilute acetic acid
| |
| |
onion gas
Propanethiol S-oxide
| |
Baking soda
| |
magnesium hydroxide
| |
Centaurea cyanus
| |
Musa balbisiana
Tuesday, 9 April 2019
Aim: To see which chemical
mix creates the most gas.
Hypothesis: (What do I think will happen)
Materials: yeast experiment
Materials: backing soda and vinegar
mix creates the most gas.
Hypothesis: (What do I think will happen)
Materials: yeast experiment
- balloon
- sugar
- yeast
- warm water
- fan ole
- bottle
My hypothesis I don not think it would rise because I is a bad combination of yeast and water
grab a empty bottle take off the lid pour 2 tea spoons of yeast into the bottle and one tea spoon on sugar into the balloon using a fhanule next ad a little bit of warm water and then attach the balloon to the top and now wait
Materials: backing soda and vinegar
- backing soda
- balloon
- empty bottle
- fanoule
- vinegar
grab an empty bottle take off the lid use the funnel put backing soda into the bottle then put half a cup of vinegar into a balloon using the funnel then attach the balloon to the top and wait
I think it would work because of the combination of the vinegar and the backing soda would make heaps of gas the gas would rise to the top to make it blow up
Materials: soda water and salt
- soda water
- balloon
- funnel
- bottle
- salt
gap an empty bottle take off the lid and ad soda water to the bottle using a funnel then grab a balloon using a funnel pot the salt into a balloon then attach the balloon to the bottle and then wait
We new it could work because it would release carbine dioxide.
the first experiment had lots of bubbles and a medium amount of air in the balloon
the 2nd experiment had a small amount of bubbles but it was the biggest balloon with the most air and the 3rd balloon had a medium amount of bubbles and a tiny amount of air inside of the balloon My new hypothesis is that the bottle with the less bubbles inside has the most air inside of the balloon
the first experiment had lots of bubbles and a medium amount of air in the balloon
the 2nd experiment had a small amount of bubbles but it was the biggest balloon with the most air and the 3rd balloon had a medium amount of bubbles and a tiny amount of air inside of the balloon My new hypothesis is that the bottle with the less bubbles inside has the most air inside of the balloon
Balloon 3
( 3 tsp baking soda, ½ cup vinegar)
Balloon 2
( 3 tsp salt, ½ cup soda)
Balloon 1
( 2 tsp yeast, 1 tsp sugar )
| |
Balloon Size (cm)
| 15 cm | 19 cm | 8 cm |
| medium amount of bubbles | small amount | lots of bubbles |
I liked all the experiments because I showed how you can have the same gas but with different ingredients it can show different results to your answer and I help us with team building
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