
Wednesday, 3 June 2020

What is Arbor day?

What is Arbor day this question has been circleing around my head since first period this moring when the teachers asked us. Why is it even importent to our community and New Zelands evioment? and what are some ways Hornby High School can do to benift this pitcullar day?

 According to my Reacherch Arbor day is a an day where individuals or a group of people are encordged to go out to the evioment to spend some time to plant tress. Most country sees this day as an holiday. Depending on climate change sometimes the dates change to impact the trees lifes and have a better furture. This helps the tress to become sustainable.

 Why is it impotent to Hornby coummnity? In my opinon it is impotent to have this day because It makes our furture an future that I can look forward to A sustainble furture where we can be more happier and eviomentaly friendly. It also Teach little ones to become more sustainable it makes new zeland an even more buerful country and it impacts Our earth and makes it more healthy. What can

Hornby high school do to beniffit this day? We can plant tress around the feild and plant native tress To incress the population of tress in New Zealand and it can corse an impact of native birds to return to Hornby grounds.


After writting this post My class and more classes went outside to plant a tree or help our tree from the previous year become more healthy it was hard to remember which tree I planted but I think I found it. There was alot off weeds and dead plants around it so some student took care of that. I found myself upset once I learnt there had been cats that used this area for an giant kitty litter box. I wish our trees will last through the winter so It can become big and strong. You must remember to where gloves when you are out gardening.

Plant a Tree for Arbor Day | Enchanted Mountains of Cattaraugus ...

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